Saturday, April 30, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Proposal for the New Humans
A Statement of Poetics
I often collect words and place them in my handbag
Later, I organize my lip balms and hand lotions
Later, after I have put my lip balms and hand lotions in good order, I organize my words
I put them in an order that seems most poetical to me
I line them up and if I am very lucky they will tell me a poem
If they are feeling ill and have gone out smoking the night before, their voices will be scratchy
For the most part I do not appreciate their scratchy voices and ask them to refrain from smoking
On occasion, I will smoke as well, and then I do not so much mind the scratchiness of their voices
On occasion, I enjoy this scratchiness so much that I will ask a word to repeat itself
Sometimes, flattery is not a good idea for a word
Sometimes he will become arrogant and condescending and puff out his chest as though he has just won a horse-race
I detest horse-races
I am not sure that I detest anything else quite so much as horse-races
I am sure, however, that I do not enjoy insincerity
On occasion, a word will lie to me
I am a gentle person and react quite reasonably
I swear and curse and rage and threaten to throw it out on the streets
But, owing to my gentle nature, I will never throw it out on the streets
Instead I will inspect my handbag for crevasses and pockets
Crevasses and pockets are good places to store things you don’t want to see
If it so happens that my handbag is lacking in crevasses, I will sit on it until it is sufficiently wrinkled
If it so happens that my handbag does not have pockets, I will get a new one
Part of the process of getting a new handbag is emptying out the old one
This is a process I very much dread
There is nothing quite so bad as facing someone you have hidden away for a long period of time
They are often prone to bitterness and anger
As a gentle person, these are emotions that make me anxious
For this reason, I take much care in selecting my new handbag in the hopes that the promise of grand accommodations will somewhat reduce the bitterness and anger hidden away in my old handbag
Very often, this is exactly the case
Very often, I will find that time in solitude has made my words receptive to change and compassion
Very often, I will find that I have no need for pockets in my handbag
All the same, it is pleasant to have a new handbag after you have crushed your old one with your rear end
by Rose Dickson, 4. 26. 11
Monday, April 25, 2011
ADVPOetry Performance Poster
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Yi Sang
진단 0 : 1
- 26.10.1931
- 이상 책임의사 이 상
- (Korean Version)
- Crow's-Eye View: Poem No.4
- On The Issue of a Patience's Case
- ㆍ09876543210ㆍ98765432109ㆍ87654321098ㆍ76543210987ㆍ65432109876ㆍ54321098765ㆍ43210987654ㆍ32109876543ㆍ21098765432ㆍ10987654321ㆍDiagnosis 0 : 126.10.1931Overall Responsible Physician Yi Sang(Imperfect Englsih Version)
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
It's a very wonderful community of writers, poets, and performers, and the meetings are kind of like a hang-out session and a workshop. They give opportunities to perform your poetry at events, participate in events, host workshops, be in workshops and every year there are 5 people chosen to represent Brown at the CUPSI tournaments - the College Union Poetry Slam Invitational. Also, every semester they have a performance. Anyone is welcome to be in their Spring Show which is April 22nd, Friday at 7pm at the same place.
If you are interested in being in the Spring Show, come to this Thursday's meeting. Being in the spring show also entails coming to a week of rehearsals that are one hour long a day at 9pm, so it's a really great chance to bond with people, and become really good at performance poetry really fast.
Or you can just attend for a workshop and listen to people's poetry and make some new friends!
I also encourage you to join their listserv / mailing list which can be joined here.